Reading Week

Reading Week is an annual nationwide literacy theme week organised by the Finnish Reading Center. Next Reading Week will take place on 21–27 April 2025.

Reading Week is a theme week for reading and literacy. Reading Week highlights the importance of reading and literacy on a broad spectrum in society and for the individual. During Reading Week, current information about literacy, both domestically and globally, is published. Perspectives on literature and reading are also offered, and people of all ages are encouraged to grab a book for themselves. Reading Week is organised by the Finnish Reading Center.

You can take part in Reading Week all over Finland, e.g. by participating in discussions on social media, highlighting literacy from your own perspective, and organising various events and author visits. Lesson planning tips for schools – currently only available in Finnish and Swedish – are available through the task bank on Reading Week’s web page. The materials on the Reading Week webpage can be freely utilised throughout the year in literacy work.

The Finnish Reading Center published 10 facts about reading in Finland for Reading Week in 2020. In 2022,  10 facts about global literacy was published. Both ”10 facts” links take you to the Finnish Reading Center’s web page.


Reading Week has been celebrated for more than 40 years, with the tradition beginning on Reading Sunday in 1977, and the actual Reading Week being celebrated since 1997.

Contact: Stiina Klockars, stiina.klockars(at)